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We will build our way to the top!

Argent Dawn | World of Warcraft

    80 Death Knight, Application


    80 Death Knight, Application Empty 80 Death Knight, Application

    Post  Garvandr Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:10 pm

    Name, Age, Gender, and Country:

    I am named Patricio, 17Years old Male, and I am located in Norway.

    About yourself:Tell us something about yourself. What do you do in your everyday life, etc.

    I 'tend at school, and do mostly what I am told to do *nawt*. I play the drums in a Norwegian Band named Damnation. And I really enjoy it. I go normally to school, come home, and doing Heroics & Raids. I do mostly nothing else than that, unless I am invited to a party in a friends house, or invited to a party at a Club simple. Every Monday and Thuesday's, from 18:PM to 20:PM, I have band practices, so, for to hours in those two days, I won't be playing, unless it is time change.

    Character name, class, level, preferred spec, "/played" time etc?
    Just enter the specific info.

    Garvandras, Death Knight, 80 Unholy. 17Days & 22Hours.

    Are you the original owner of the character?
    Yes I am, and I always will be.

    Previous guilds and servers:
    Please list the guilds you've been in, and the reasons why you left those guilds/got kicked from those guilds. Why you migrated from various servers.

    This Character has been here in Argent Dawn, and created in Argent Dawn. I've been in Ordai Knive, or something, I left due to slackness and Unserious playing. I was in Menace, I got kicked out for using Sarcasm and Capslock, two times just for one Simple day. Very problematic.
    then I moved to Absolution, got kicked for bringing up Jokes. After awhile being Guildless I joined a Scandinavian Guild named One Gold Please, which was alot of fun in, but not enough Fun to hold me up, so I left joining another Guild named Moonwolf, which I was told raided, but sadly I didn't see any raids when I joined, absolutely nothing. so I left some two days later, due to that.

    I've also played with my other mains, Dąrkdoll, Farnoir and Demonycal, which is located in other Servers, named Frostwhisper and Anachronos.

    Frostwhisper EU PvP Realm - Farnoir - Infinity(PvE Guild, PreTbc), Nevermind (PvE Guild TBC)
    Anachronos EU PvE Realm - Dąrkdoll, Farnoir & Demonycal - Eon(PvE Guild TBC), Eternal Faith (PvP Guild TBC) Combat Wombats (PvP Guild TBC)
    Hellfire EU PvE Realm - Dąrkdoll & Farnoir - Ground Control (PvP Guild TBC) Combat Wombats (PvP Guild TBC) Virtual Aggression (PvP Guild TBC) Team lol (PvP Guild TBC)
    Nagrand EU PvE Realm - Farnoir - IS COMMANDO IRL (PvP Guild TBC)
    Frostwhisper EU PvP Realm - Farnoir & Dąrkdoll - Combat Wombats (TBC & Wotlk)

    These migrations, have either been payed by me, Friends paying or Free-Migration, this isn't close to use over 70£ of my Own money. Just so you know. Also, Those Characters are 70. I haven't bothered to evel them yet, since I am focusing on my Death Knight.

    Armory Profile:

    Specialization and talents:
    Please tell us what spec you prefer to raid and do Instances as.

    I would like to Raid as Unholy, for the 5% Extra Damage, or Blood for Survival, But I personally think Blood is more of a PvP specc, in my self opinion. I can respecc anytime to Frost or any specc, if it's necessary as Off-Tank, or just normal Back up DPS. Up to what 'Army of Peons' Needs.
    And I don't go Unholy for the 5% Extra Damage from PS/Plague Strike, Also from the Ebon Plague, which gives 30% Extra Damage from Diseases, and 13% Extra Damage to Magical spells, which gives Casters alot of extra Damage. I'm specced down to UB/Unholy Blight, because I think it gives me a Damage Boost, including all other Spells, Skills and Proccs.

    Raid experience:
    Please include all raid experience, pre-tbc, tbc and wotlk.

    Zul'Gurub - Cleared
    Molten Core - Cleared
    Blackwing Lair - Cleared
    Onyxia - Cleared
    AQ40 - Cleared

    Karazhan - Cleared
    Gruul's Lair - Cleared
    Magtheridon's Lair - Cleared
    Zul'Aman - Cleared
    SerpentShrine Caverns - 1/6 Bosses Cleared - Hydross the Unstable
    Tempest Keep/The Eye - 1/4 Bosses Cleared - Void Reaver

    Wotlk Instances:
    Azjol-Nerub: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Violet Hold: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Halls of Lightning: Cleared, Normal & heroic
    Halls of stone: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Gun'Drak: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Drak'tharon Keep: cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Ahn'Kahet, Old Kingdom: Cleared Normal & Heroic
    Utgarde Keep: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    Utgarde Pinnacle: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    The Nexus: Cleared, Normal & Heroic
    The Oculus: Cleared, Normal & Heroic

    Wotlk RaidInstances:
    The Obsidian Sanctum, Sartharion: Cleared, Normal/10Man & Heroic/25man.
    Vault of Archavon, Archavon: Cleared, Normal/10Man & Heroic/25man
    The Eye of Eternity: not Cleared, Taken Malygos down to 37%
    Naxxramas, Plague Quarter and Arachnid Quarter, Cleared Normal/10Man.

    Available times:
    Monday - All day from 14:PM to 18:PM - Then 20:PM to 00:15 AM
    Thuesday - Same as Monday.
    Wednesday - From 14:PM to 00:15 AM
    Thursday - Same as Wednesday
    Friday - Saturday - Sunday : All night, if I feel for it.

    At what times of the day can you raid?
    I guess when you need me, or if I have signed up, for the raids upcoming those days, If I am accepted into the Guild.
    Also, I can't raid Mondays and Tuesdays, from: 18.00 PM, to 20:00 PM.

    Reasons for applying to Army of Peons.
    What made you apply to ours guild instead of another one?

    I've Noticed Army of Peons, is something more far different than other Guilds. Why I don't use time to applicate to other Guilds, is that I want to Raid safely and relaxed among Players, though, I might want it different. I still think Army of Peons is the best choise for me and my Friend.

    Friends in the guild.
    Do you know anyone in Army of Peons?

    I'm currently known to -Tankeed- Which is an extrimely good Tank, i've done Timed runs with him many times, and we've succeeded plenty of it. He is a very kind player, and also a very nice tank. I probably know more people, but I sadly can't come up with any of them.

    Why you?
    I am sure I can bring some of my Experience from Pre-tbc and Pre-wotlk to you fellows. and share my knowledge with all of you, who needs it.

    Why should we pick you as our next member of Army of Peons, instead of some other guy/girl?
    I can do Damage & Tank, I am very knowledged with the Game. I've played the game 3 and a Half year(s).
    And I am sure, you may need some of my experience and knowledge, if it's needed in Army of Peons.

    Extra Information: If you fellows thinks this is an 1337 Application, and good enough for Dark Tide, yes I know, but I can't bother to raid as much as they do, I have my own time for myself aswell, thats why I picked Army of Peons as my PvE Choise.

    I have agreed on the Rules, and I will try to not break them in any Circumstance.

    Please, don't think this is an 24/7 Raiding Guild application, I did this on my own free will. I hope you all understand that.

    I hope to get a positive answer back from you Officers.
    have a lovely day.

    Regards, Garvandras.

    80 Death Knight, Application Empty Application 80 DK.

    Post  Garvandr Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:17 pm

    Sorry, seems like I forgot to add my Armory Profile.

    Armory Profile:

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